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Dark Chocolate Raspberry Mousse

Author/Submitted by: Chocolatier Vol. 1, NO. 7 1985
Servings: 6
Categories: Chocolate / Desserts / Mousses

1 1/2  Cups  Fresh Raspberries
1/4  Cup  Sugar
2  Tablespoons  Framboise Liqueur
10  Ounces  Bittersweet Chocolate, Coarsely Chopped
4  Tablespoons  (1/2 Stick) Unsalted Butter
1  Cup  Heavy Cream, chilled
3  Jumbo  Eggs, Separated, at room temperature
3/4  Cup  Heavy Cream, Softly Whipped, for garnish
1/2  Pint  Fresh Raspberries, for garnish

1. In a small bowl, crush the raspberries roughly with a fork. Stir in the sugar and the Framboise. Let the mixture stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. 2. In a modified double boiler, melt the chocolate and the butter. 3. While the chocolate is melting, whip the cream. Stir the egg yolks into the crushed raspberry mixture. Whisk the egg whites. 4. Remove the bowl of melted chocolate from the modified double boiler and place it on a work surface. All at once, stir in the raspberry mixture. Stir in the whipped cream. Fold in the egg whites. 5. Turn the mousse into a serving bowl or individual dishes. Chill until firm, about 2 hours for individual portions, five hours for a large bowl of mousse. 6. Garnish each serving with a dollop of softly whipped cream and one or two fresh raspberries.

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