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Glace a La Vanille (basic Vanilla Ice Cream)

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Servings: 16
Categories: Desserts / Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt

16    Egg Yolks
16  oz  Sugar, (vanilla) -=AND=-
40  fl  Milk, boiled with
1    Vanilla pod, -=OR=-
1  tb  Vanilla extract
8  fl  Cream, whipped

NB. Best combination is to use vanilla sugar, which is castor sugar in which vanilla pods are kept stored (useable after 2 months), and a vanilla pod with the milk. Failing these, use natural vanilla extract. Failing that, you can use vanilla essence, but this is much stronger, so use less. Beat together the yolks and the sugar until pale and thick. Meanwhile, heat the milk gradually to boiling with the vanilla pod (if used). Strain milk in a thin stream over the egg mixture, beating the while. Return to washed out saucepan and cook until the mixture coats the back of a spoon. Don't allow to boil. Pass through a fine sieve and cool, stirring occasionally. Whip the cream, and either fold it in when the custard is cold or add it when the ice cream is nearly set. Process in sorbetiere until set and allow to ripen in the freezer 2 hours minimum before serving. Recipe based on Pellaprat "The Great Book of French Cooking" by IMH c/o Georges' Home BBS 2:323/4.4

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