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Spumoni Gourmet

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Servings: 6
Categories: Desserts / Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt

5    Egg yolks
3/4  cup  Sugar
2  cups  Milk
1    vanilla bean
1  cup  Heavy cream
1/4  cup  Sugar
1  tablespoon  Maraschino cherries, chopped
1  tablespoon  Candied orange peel, shredded
1  tablespoon  Blanched almond, slivered

1. In a saucepan beat 5 egg yolks and 3/4 cup sugar until the mixture is thick and pale in color. Stir in 2 cups milk, add a 1-inch piece of vanilla bean, and cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until the custard is thick. Be careful not to let it boil. Discard the vanilla bean and cool the custard. Turn it into a refrigerator tray and freeze it for about 2 hours, or until it is firm, but soft enough to be molded easily.

2. Whip 1 cup heavy cream until it is stiff, fold in 1/4 cup sugar and 1 tablespoon each of chopped marachino cherries, shredded candied orangepeel, and slivered blanched almonds and chill the mixture.

3. Chill a 1-quart jelly or spumoni mold and line the inside of the mold with the frozen custard. Fill the center of the mold with the chilled whipped cream mixture, cover the top of the mold with wax paper, and freeze the spumoni without stirring.

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