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Chocolate Cinnamon Dessert Nachos

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Servings: 6
Categories: Chocolate / Cookies / Desserts

2  tb  Sugar, granulated - and
1/2  c  Sugar, granulated
1/2  ts  Cinnamon
5  tb  Butter
6    Tortillas, Flour - 8"
1  c  Cream, heavy or whipping
1/3  c  Sugar, brown - packed
1  t  Vanilla
1  oz  Chocolate, unsweetened
    - coarsely chopped
1/2  c  Pecans - coarsely chopped

Preheat oven to 350F. In small bowl, mix together 2 Tbsp granulated sugar and cinnamon. Melt 4 Tbsp butter. Brush melted butter on both sides of tortillas. Sprinkle cinnamon-sugar on 1 side. Stack tortillas on top of one another, sugared sides up, and cut the stack into 10 to 12 wedges. Place tortilla wedges. Place tortilla wedges, sugared sides up, in a single layer on buttered baking sheets. Bake 12 to 14 minutes or till tortilla wedges are crisp and golden brown. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, combine cream, remaining 1/2 cup granulated sugar, and brown sugar. Heat to boiling over medium heat, stirring often. Boil 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, till slightly thickened. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Transfer half of mixture to a bowl. Add chocolate and stir till melted. To remaining mixture, stir in remaining 1 Tbsp butter. Let both sauces cool to lukewarm. To assemble nachos, scatter tortilla pieces in single layer over a large serving platter. Drizzle some chocolate sauce and caramel sauce over tortilla and sprinkle about 3 Tbsp nuts on top. Repeat layer until all ingredients are used. Serve immediately.

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