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Cookie Crust for Triple Chocolate Cream Pie

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Servings: 10
Categories: Chocolate / Cream-Pie / Crust-Pie / Desserts / Pies & Pastries

1 1/4  c  all-purpose flour, unsifted
1/4  c  unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2  c  butter, softened
1/2  c  sugar
1/4  t  salt
1  lg  egg
1/2  t  vanilla extract

Recipe by: Country Living, October 1994 Preheat oven to 350 degrees; lightly grease a 9-inch pie plate and a small baking sheet. In a small bowl, combine flour and cocoa. In a large bowl, with an electric mixer on medium speed, beat butter, sugar and salt until combined. Add egg and vanilla extract; beat on high speed until smooth and well blended. Reduce speed to very low; add flour and beat until a manageable dough forms. Between 2 sheets of floured waxed paper, roll out cookie crust to a 12-inch round. Remove top sheet of paper and invert crust into pie plate. Remove remaining sheet of waxed paper. Trim crust edge even with the rim of the plate. Reroll scrapes to 1/4-inch thickness and cut out as many stars as possible, using a 3/4-inch star cookie cutter or cardboard pattern and a knife. Place half of the stars on the baking sheet. With water, moisten the rim of the crust; press remaining stars randomly onto the rim of the crust. With a fork, pierce the bottom and around the sides of the crust to prevent shrinkage. Line crust with aluminum foir and fill with uncooked dried beans or pie weights. Bake for 15 minutes; remove foil with beans and bake for 8 to 10 minutes longer, or until the edge darkens slightly. Bake stars on baking sheet for 5 minutes, or until edges darken slightly. Cool crust in the pan on a wire rack; remove stars from pan to rack. Penny Halsey (ATBN65B). By KKBG35A RUTH BURKHAR

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