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Fat-free Pie Crust

Author/Submitted by: Butter Busters Cookbook
Servings: 8
Categories: Crust-Pie / Desserts / Low-Fat/Low-Cal / Pies & Pastries

1  cup  all-purpose flour
3/4  teaspoon  salt, optional
4  tablespoons  fat-free margarine
2  tablespoons  cold water

Preheat oven to 475. Mix together all the ingredients. Stir with a fork until thoroughly mixed. Do not over-work the dough. Shape this mixture into a ball and place it between two pieces of wax paper that have been dusted with flour. Roll the pastry into a circle large enough to fit in a 9" pie pan. Spray pan with a non-fat cooking spray. Arrange crust in pan. Cut off the edges that hang over. Prick the bottom with a fork. Bake 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool before adding filling. If you are making a pie where the filling needs to be cooked with the shell, simply bake at 350F for 45 minutes or however long the recipe calls for. Work foil over edges while baking so the crust won't get overbrown. Remove foil for the last five minutes.

59.4 calories, .2 g fat, 2.4% calories from fat

59.4 calories, .2 g fat, 2.4% calories from fat

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