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Grandmother Flynn's Cornstarch Pudding

Author/Submitted by:
Servings: 4
Categories: Chocolate / Desserts / Puddings

2    Unsweetened Baking Chocolate Squares
2  Cups  Raw Milk
1/4  Cup  Sugar
1/2  Teaspoon  Vanilla
3  Tablespoons  Cornstarch
1/4  Teaspoon  Salt
1/4  Cup  Milk

Put chocolate squares with 2 cups raw milk in double boiler. Mix sugar, cornstarch, and salt well in separate bowl and add 1/4 cup milk and mix. After the raw milk and chocolate is scalded add the sugar mixture cooking 15 minutes, stirring constantly until thickens and afterwards occasionally. Add vanilla and turn into a serving dish. Chill and serve with or without sugar and cream. Author's note: This recipe of Mrs. Dennis T. Flynn dates from around 1904. Mr. Flynn was Delegate to the United States Congress from Oklahoma Territory for several terms prior to 1902, and worked diligently toward "single statehood", combining Indian and Oklahoma Territories. This recipe is from PIONEER COOKERLY AROUND OKLAHOMA as contributed by Streeter B. Flynn, Jr. from Oklahoma City.

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