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Holiday Pumpkin Pie

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Servings: 8
Categories: Desserts / Holidays / Pies & Pastries / Pumpkin

3/4  pound  Tofu, firm
2  cups  Pumpkin,pureed, cooked
3/4  cup  FruitSource
2  tablespoons  Molasses, sorghum or cane
1 1/2  teaspoons  Cinnamon, ground
3/4  teaspoon  Nutmeg, grated
3/4  teaspoon  Ginger, powdered
1/2  teaspoon  Mace
1/4  teaspoon  Sea salt
    -----SWEET CRUST-----
1/2  cup  Pastry flour, whole-wheat
1/2  cup  Flour, unbleached white
3 1/2  tablespoons  Soy margarine, cut into bits
1/4  teaspoon  Nutmeg, grated
1  dash  Salt(opt)
3  tablespoons  Water, ice

1. Place flour, margarine, nutmeg and salt in a food processor and process 10 seconds to a cornmeal texture. With processor running, add 1-1/2 T. ice water. Add remaining water slowly, and stop the machine as soon as the dough begins to form a ball. Tiny pieces of margarine should be visible in dough. 2. Form the dough into a ball and flatten into a thick dish. Flour your work surface and rolling pin and roll dough from center out to sides, turning into a perfect circle about 10 inches in diameter. 3. Place the rolling pin in the center of the dough. Fold half over the pin and transfer to a 9-inch pie plate, fold the rough edges under neatly or trim them. Cover pie plate with a slightly damp kitchen towel and place in the refrigerator. 4. Preheat oven to 350'. 5. Blend ingredients for filling until smooth and creamy in a blender or food processor. Pour into pie shell and bake for 1 hour. 6. Chill and serve.

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