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Lemon Bundt Cake

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Servings: 10
Categories: Cakes / Desserts


4    eggs
1  package  yellow cake mix
3/4  cup  apricot nectar
3/4  cup  oil
2  teaspoons  almond extract
2  teaspoons  lemon extract
1  package  lemon gelatin powder, small lemon Jello
    white flour, for pan
    Crisco, for pan

1  cup  powdered sugar
3    lemons, up to 4

1. Mix together all of the cake ingredients in a mixing bowl, except for the white flour and Crisco. Preheat the oven to the temperature indicated on the cake mix box. Grease the bundt pan with a consistent thin coating of Crisco and then coat the Crisco evenly with a thin coating of flour. Pour the mixed cake ingredients into the pan and place in oven for 30-40 minutes.

2. While the cake is cooking make up the icing by putting the powdered sugar in a bowl. Then cut the lemons into halves or quarters and squeeze the juice out into the powdered sugar. Add as much lemon juice in as needed to make a nice thick glaze for the cake and put aside.

3. When the cake is done, you can test this by putting a knife in it and nothing should stick to it, etc. Pull out the cake and place on a plate with a rim to it so the icing can roll down the cake and still stay on the plate. Then pull out your skewer and poke holes in the cake that are small enough not to be seen but big enough to allow the icing to fall in. Then coat the cake over the top with the icing. Then let it sit till you can't stand it any more and eat it.

Flora's Notes: Someone I know made this and it was very good. You'll also need skewers, thin chopsticks, or shishkabob sticks for this recipe.

Flora's Notes: Someone I know made this and it was very good. You'll also need skewers, thin chopsticks, or shishkabob sticks for this recipe.

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