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Mint White Chocolate Mousse

Author/Submitted by: Alan M. Marcum Sun Microsystems, Mountain View, California
Servings: 1
Categories: Chocolate / Desserts / Mint / Mousses

120  g  white chocolate
50  ml  green creme de menthe
2    egg whites (at room temperature)
250  ml  heavy cream

1. Melt the white chocolate in a double boiler. When melted, stir in the creme de menthe. Let it cool a bit, and stir in 40 ml of cream. Let cool. 2. Beat the egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Fold the chocolate-creme-cream mixture into the beaten egg whites. .SM "The more carefully you fold, the lighter will be the mousse." 3. Whip the remaining cream, until soft peaks form. Fold the egg whites-chocolate mixture into the whipped cream. .SM "Again, the more air you preserve, the lighter the mousse." 4. Spoon carefully into small bowls or cups, and chill for about two hours. Author's Notes: This concoction is a variation of another white chocolate mousse, which is a variation of a dark rum chocolate mousse. It was invented for a friend's birthday, which happens to be on St. Patrick's Day. We were sitting around the day before, planning the celebration, and I offered to bring some white mousse. Someone suggested it should be green, in honor of the occasion. I came up with the perfect way to make green chocolate mousse.... Difficulty : moderate, depending on folding and whisking skills. Precision : approximate measurement OK.

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